
11 January 2015

The myth of the blue eyed Jesus

I recently re-read a quote that was very much repeated by Desmond Tutu, Archbishop of Emeritus of Cape Town, South Africa:
"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said let us pray.  We closed our eyes and prayed.  When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land"

It got me thinking that this is the essence of the struggle between a bunch of strangers, who invaded a land that they never ever had a shred of a claim to, ravaged it, committed massive atrocities against its people, got themselves and Europe rich on the way and then, by utter and sheer cheek, dared to discriminate against the actual owners of the land, all in the name of a religion that they soled to the people in the first !!

And the icing on the cake: this wonderful man has in such simple analogy exposed the myth of the white, blue-eyed Jesus.