
03 June 2014

When a two year-old gives you a toy phone ..

During a visit to The States, I picked up a sign on one of the side roads driving into a small town.  Alas, I didn't actually believe it possible that people capable of ripping apart the innards of innocent inhabitants of a land they came to steal would actually emit something that would contribute to my own knowledge of humanity or, for that matter, anyone else's, but there it is, it did happen.

The sign very eloquently, and very beautifully simply, described something that most anyone would do, no matter how big, or bad, or old, or wise, when a two-year old toddler gives you a toy phone: you answer the call!!

"No matter how big or bad you are, when a two-year old gives you a toy phone, you answer the call!!"

Kind of a sharp contrast with the little innocent angels of Iraq who witnessed the wrath of depleted Uranium bluets tearing their flesh, stealing their parents, raising their homes to the ground and doing away with their future for near enough forever.  Even a sharper contrast is that sign, that will never leave my psyche, that I actually found that sign at the 'home of the free and the land of the brave'.

Such freedom and bravery.


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