22 December 2014
19 December 2014
العيش بالثواني
شعور مقرف أن يعيش الإنسان ثانية بثانية، مبهمة خطواته، لا يُرى منها إلا بنت حينها، ينتظر الفلك المجهول كيف يضرب الأخماس للأسداس، و يسخر منه ذلك القدر الملعون و من كل ما يبني . سخرية كيف هو خداع الذات، تسمية
مثلها مثل أخرى، يسميها الآخر تكيفا للمحيط، و تعود دورة الفلك من جديد، تأسس فلكا آخر بكل حذافيره في تكة ثانية. و الأدهى من ذلك أنني كلما نظرت إلى دنياي ما مر منها، وجدتني أعد ثوانيها أماني عزت أنني يوما ما سأحطم حاجز الزمكان اللعين هذا خروجا من برزخه إلى آخر لا تُحسب الدنيا فيه بالثواني ..
إنتهى .
27 October 2014
The Rise and Fall
'Those who speak know nothing, and find out to their cost'. No falls, never. No mercy anymore. No prisoners. Mark my words. Mark my words.
25 October 2014
07 October 2014
Lost for words ..
Wakes up first thing in the morning .. tender as the drops of dew tangling down a budding rose, ever so desperately trying to compete with her peachy cheeks .. a good morning .. and a lovely greeting kiss she gave me .. then a question straight after that ..
'Daddy, when are we going to die?', my little Reema asks ..
The injustice of it all, in the name of some sick, twisted idea of justice, steals her childhood away, that of her siblings and sinks them that little bit deeper, inch by inch, every single day, till there is no more child or being left. All 'in the best interest of the children'
Lost are my words .. forever ..
26 September 2014
IF .. as told by you
Today, I saw you, my Northern Star; upon your lips, the very meaning of words breaks the time-place continuum. I doubt Kipling ever thought of a more worthy tongue to recite his marvel than yours. Or how his words will be immortalised, the way they did, when you said them dearest Adil.
You are the one person in this world that has the power to make a giant out of your daddy, and today, you've shown me once again, what it means to be a man.
And, which is more, you will be a man my son ..
You are the one person in this world that has the power to make a giant out of your daddy, and today, you've shown me once again, what it means to be a man.
And, which is more, you will be a man my son ..
24 September 2014
أما و الذي أبكى وأضحك الذي أمات و أحيا و الذي أمره الأمر
و الحليم يا ولدي تكفيه الإشارة ..
و البداية نكتبها ما زال في عمر أبيك بقية .
09 September 2014
ولدي عادل ..
في ذيل إهداء قصيدة لجدك، دون فيها:
"ولدي أحمد، علمتني على كبر أن من شابه أبه فما ظلم"
ما أشبه اليوم بالبارحة و علمي علم اليقين كيف أن روحه علقت بك كما روحي يوم آذنت صرخاتك و أنت وليد لعالمي أن يدور في فلك جديد وسيع أطرافه أنت و حبيبتي ريما و ثرياته التوأم الحبيب كاترين و نادين ..
يا نسيم الريح قولي للرشا لم يزدني الورد إلا عطشا
لي حبيب وسط الحشا إن يشا يمشي على خدي مشى
روحه روحي و روحي روحه إن يشا شئت و إن شئت يشا
عجبت لكلي كيف يحمله بعضي و من ثقل بعضي ليس تحملني أرضي
لئن كان في بسط من الأرض مضجع فبعضي علي بسط من الأرض في قبضي
و للحديث بقية ..
16 July 2014
يا صبر أيوب ..
أبا خالد .. يا أنت كل وجع العراق الذي تنصهر فيه كل أوجاعنا .. ترى إكتبت ما في من وجع؟ و كم أيوب صبره صبر المحال تراه يحمله؟
تراودني كل مرة كلماتك أواسي النفس فيها، و أعرف أن العراق رجلا جسد في لوحتك الخالدة، و أراه منعكسا عمق روحي و ألمي و الصبر ملني و مللته و نقول أن لعابته إنفجرت كما في لساننا الكرخي الجزيل .. و كلما تلاشت أشلاء فضية صغيرة، رأيتها في محياهم أربعة طير، زغب الحواصل، ذهب منبتهم، تسيل دموعا زجاجية رقيقة وحيدة موحشة الحزن و ألمها من عيونهم التأمل في مرهم من صبري المهدور .. و هديره يعود يوقظني على صوت الله و كلماتك، و أصحو و المارد المجنون يخرج من لب الحشا ..
يا صبر أيوب ..
إنا معشر صبر نفضي لحد ثوب الصبر ينبزل
لكننا حين يستعدى على محارمنا و حين تقطع عن أطفالنا السبل
نظج لا حي سوى الله يعلم ما قد يفعل الغيظ فينا حين يشتعل
لم ننتهي .. فما إبتدأنا .. و للحديث بقية حين تبلع الأرض مائها و تقلع السماء.
09 June 2014
الورد هي
سئل أحد الأعراب: أي أولادك أحب إليك؟ و الرد صداه وصل أقاصي الأرض و أدناها .. صغيرهم حتى يكبر و مريضهم حتى يشفى و غائبهم حتى يعود.
ليت شعري، و كيف حاله إن كان جميعهم غائب و جميعهم صغير و كيف به بأصغر الصغار و فراقه؟
ليت شعري، و كيف حاله إن كان جميعهم غائب و جميعهم صغير و كيف به بأصغر الصغار و فراقه؟
حبيبتي رائحة الورد و ألذ العناب قبلت معلمتها اليوم و أعطتها وردة ..
تلوذ الناس بالمحشر بيدهه ..
صحيح .. إنت شفت وردة بيدهه؟؟
عيونك سوربت .. و الورد هيه!
كنت سأقول إنتهى ..
03 June 2014
When a two year-old gives you a toy phone ..
During a visit to The States, I picked up a sign on one of the side roads driving into a small town. Alas, I didn't actually believe it possible that people capable of ripping apart the innards of innocent inhabitants of a land they came to steal would actually emit something that would contribute to my own knowledge of humanity or, for that matter, anyone else's, but there it is, it did happen.
The sign very eloquently, and very beautifully simply, described something that most anyone would do, no matter how big, or bad, or old, or wise, when a two-year old toddler gives you a toy phone: you answer the call!!
"No matter how big or bad you are, when a two-year old gives you a toy phone, you answer the call!!"
Kind of a sharp contrast with the little innocent angels of Iraq who witnessed the wrath of depleted Uranium bluets tearing their flesh, stealing their parents, raising their homes to the ground and doing away with their future for near enough forever. Even a sharper contrast is that sign, that will never leave my psyche, that I actually found that sign at the 'home of the free and the land of the brave'.
Such freedom and bravery.
The sign very eloquently, and very beautifully simply, described something that most anyone would do, no matter how big, or bad, or old, or wise, when a two-year old toddler gives you a toy phone: you answer the call!!
"No matter how big or bad you are, when a two-year old gives you a toy phone, you answer the call!!"
Kind of a sharp contrast with the little innocent angels of Iraq who witnessed the wrath of depleted Uranium bluets tearing their flesh, stealing their parents, raising their homes to the ground and doing away with their future for near enough forever. Even a sharper contrast is that sign, that will never leave my psyche, that I actually found that sign at the 'home of the free and the land of the brave'.
Such freedom and bravery.
16 May 2014
The day ..
Did you write the book of love?
And do you have faith in God above?
If the bible tells you so?
Do you believe in Rock and Roll?
Can music save your mortal soul?
The music died .. and my soul has long gone with it .. down the coast of oblivion .. seeking an equaliser .. followed the three men McLean admired most ..
27 June, 2013 ..
The day ..
That Music Died.
And do you have faith in God above?
If the bible tells you so?
Do you believe in Rock and Roll?
Can music save your mortal soul?
The music died .. and my soul has long gone with it .. down the coast of oblivion .. seeking an equaliser .. followed the three men McLean admired most ..
27 June, 2013 ..
The day ..
That Music Died.
03 May 2014
Weary Blues
"And far into the night he crooned that tune. The stars went out and so did the moon. The singer stopped playing and went to bed"
I picked this up watching some all too familiar, even tedious, American drama. Poor fools, they were never any good at it, but still. Then, amidst a dialogue desperately trying to be clever, these words were uttered, and with them a thunderbolt down my spine shook me to the core.
It was as if Langston Hughes had crossed the path of my weary soul, somehow, so many decades ago and just wrote it down ..
"While the Weary Blues echoed through his head. He slept like a rock or a man that’s dead."QED
10 April 2014
His will ..
At the age of 9, when kites should be floating in the middle skies, kissing the rays of the sun, bicycles racing the wind in his hair and childhood laughters lingering long after day light is gone, he picks up his pencil, and writes his will instead.
There are no more words. And even if there were anymore, they have long since been stolen from atop his lips and mine. His eyes tell a million stories of pain and anguish; searching for comfort in my own desperate gazes. He sees my desperation, runs to it, for he sees comfort even in the utter helplessness of my own mesmerised looks into the void, hoping there is a God that is listening to my cries and his .. and theirs .. I think there is .. I know there is .. He has pulled us out of oblivion too many a time, and in my own utter helplessness, I kneel and pray and roar and revolt and explode.
I had promised them all that this shan't be the last word. There is still breaths in me; the fighter that has never left is still there; the monster I know, the beast deep within, he is on leash. Time; it is the most precious non-existent, yet everywhere, union of place and dimensions one can ever hope to posses, is all that is separating this Ghoul I have struggled to keep within all my life. Tamed he is not; oppressed, that he is; and the day he is unleashed .. his will ..
15 March 2014
و كثير من السؤال ..
يروى من بين أقاصيص الشعراء أنه شبك عشره على رأسه و يستمر الكلام المنظد و نصفه خيال و الاخر ركيك و الكاتب المرسال يتأرجح من منذ متى حتى لا ندري ..
لكني أعلم علم اليقين أن السؤال ليس كثيرا منه إشتياقا لكنه هو كله كذا .. و أكبر من الشوق و أتعس من الاه و الأنين الخافت البطيء المستمر الذي لا يريد أن يبرد سعيره و لا دقات إيقاعه الرتيب المستمر يعد ساعات الليل و النهار ساعة بعد ساعة ، لا لشيء إلا ليؤذن فجر يوم آخر مثله مثله، و التداعيات تذهب في كل حدب و صوب شرقها و غربها مردها هو هو و مجراها و مرساها ذاته و الداعي في ذات البقعة ليس يقدر على تغيير مجرياتها و لا مراسيها قيد شعرة .
شعور مقرف مدمر بعدم الحيلة فمهما كبرت المطرقة ، زاد الماس صلادة .
و كثير من رده تعليل ..
01 January 2014
Anticipation ..
A useless and futile feeling, anticipation. Borders on the outright sadomasochist. To wait in anticipation is not only more so, but simply slow execution 60 times every minute, till the next burning desire and urge to go and check again, in vain, for a sign, a heading, a wave of the sweet palm or so much as a single word.
This ragged man is exactly same place he has been for ten millennia, asking the same question: when or even if?
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