
21 July 2011

All's right with the world ..

It would seem so .. it would seem that I am once again revolving around a circle who's centre is myself; a vicious cycle of misconceptions of love, the universe and whatever else is going on around me, when everyone else is busy living; busy dreaming, and busy with a whole load of things that do not include anyone else.

I wonder when, or if ever, am I going to see a light that for once will shine down upon my being and not others; when, or if ever, am I, like the rest of the world, from what I see, going to find happiness and satisfaction that is to do with the selfish 'I' as opposed to seeing it in the eyes of those I care about, and therefore be happy myself?

God's in his heaven .. and all's right with the world .. though I will forever question, which world, which heaven and what right and happy actually mean?


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