To change the world ..
Leo Tolstoy once said: "everyone is trying to change the world, but no one is actually thinking of changing themselves instead".
I must have read this statement a million times, and I don't know if its me or if there seems to be an endless cyclical paradox that infinitely goes back to a common denominator - one's self, then the hierarchy builds up to "the world" which is, very trivially, a collection of individuals, souls if you will, and we are back at the beginning which is also the end ad infinitum.
What completely blocks me, then, is that I, like many fools before me, and doubtless after me, have embarked on a journey to change the world; to create a "world", a universe if you wish, in which one person, one soul, is the centre, and everything would emanate and terminate there, and in the process, little did I know, that I was moulding myself in and around that centre, together with everything precious and dear, within and outside of my very being.
How difficult must it now be to dismantle all of that, and still be standing and survive? it was hard enough the first time round. How much more so must it be now my one?
Neigh enough impossible ..
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